less drama
More Confidence
Real talk, being a teenager in Orange County is not easy.
We live in a comparison culture where social media dictates how we feel about ourselves and the anxiety of doing well in school can feel suffocating.
The relationship we have with our parents and interactions we have with peers, whether it be friends or dating, largely shape how we are as grown-ups.
Interactions early on, especially interactions with parents, might affect who we choose to surround ourselves with later in life.
Support during adolescence can make a huge impact for the better. I can help your teen find their voice, develop character and make decisions maturely.
the bottom line
Young adulthood is a crucial point in a young person’s life, filled with questions, struggles and finding one’s path. I am able to help your teen to feel understood and motivated, so there will be less arguing and tears.
Teens, I’m there for you if school is stressing you out, you feel anxious making friends, or you feel misunderstood by your family. Your parents are trying their best, but so are you. Sometimes they don’t see that. You can have a trusting relationship with your parents, even if they stress you out. Take it from someone who has been there, they usually want what is best for you, even though it may not seem like it sometimes.
Parents, I’m there for you while your teen grows up in Orange County; the unique bubble in society full of high-risk behaviors, designer substances, mood swings, under/over-achieving, societal pressure for perfection and social media. No teen is beyond help. Their “alien-phase” will eventually pass. I will help your teen and family develop insight to help you have less conflict and more peace. Your teen will feel more confident and empowered.
it’s okay to ask for help
Parenting is hard and expensive. Being a parent is the single most important role you will ever have in your life. Your child looks to you for everything, and I mean everything. They are reliant on you. Parenting is a lot and we shouldn’t be doing it by ourselves; that is why I am here for you.
I validate that this is a high investment. Working with me is a long-term relationship, meaning it can last for years, not a quick fix. There will also be requirements to come in for parent sessions and family sessions as I see fit. If this is an investment you’re ready and willing to make – I am here for you and we’re going to get this done.
I am only available to work with parents who have the willingness to do whatever it takes to help their kids. Parents who will make any investment necessary, for as long as it takes, so their child can be seen, heard, nurtured, empowered, and loved.
It may seem like the stress and anxiety are never going to end. As a parent + teen specialist, I can assure you it does get better. Your teen being able to talk to their parents and friends can help, but having a therapist who really understands what it’s like to grow up as a teenager in Orange County helps a lot.